Our values
Concept transform
Marketing method – understanding of the needs in the field –
What is your company's advantages of prodcuts and services
Do they resonate or benefit your targeted customers?
We dig deep to bring out your company's advantages of products and services, and research what resonates your targeted customers.
If this phase crosses in the wrong direction, your products will not sell, althought you invest your money on advertisement.
And the most of the time, these advantages which may have succeeded in your own country, doesn't mean it will be successful in other countries.
Our aim
An organization wishing and creating everyone's happiness.
The top of this organization commits to raise the members working in this company to have a suitable purpose in their limited life living in this era, before thinking about "Oversea business expantion support."
The management team commits to pursue how to provide a happy and rewarding workplace to the group with big ambition, before thinking about sales.
When all these requirements are met, the profit and sales comes through as a maximized result, And this is how will business will be structured.
Our staffs focuses on "How can we make our endusers happy,"
and not "How can we make more profit."
We have CEO and executives who provide a work place
where each person is happy,
can make the most of the opportunity, and shine.
Foreign market development support based on above
"We do not deal with products which we do not fall in love with" "We do not deal with products if we cannot imagin our endsuser's smile." This attitude is the result of us not wanting to trouble our clients. Either in foreign countries or in Japan, products don't sell with only "structure."
Empathizing feelings like, "This is great!" "I want this," makes a possibility for market development.
We will consider each countries' characteristics, but we do not say "We will sell anything."
We will always look out for technological innovation, but we will not be a company just base on technology.
We will use the technology as a methodology for us to spread
the values, which are passion, excitement, and happiness,
of makers and users which is the core.
Future deployment plan
●Sales agent for beauty products, firmly conduct research regardless of industry,
and accumulate achievements.
●Other than existing OEM wholesale business in Japan, we move forward with
promoting products from New Zealand and delveloping new markets, which will
be a beam to our new business.
Purpose: Eliminate national borders of people's hearts
Aim the world where people in the world can happy, by crossing
the differences in language, thoughts, culture, and customs.
Our job is to remove the obstacles for that purpose.
Sustainable development goals

What we can do to put in practice for sustainable society with diversity and inclusion "leaving nobody behind"

For ⑤⑩, We will be open, fair, no discrimination against race or gender, and we will thorough on normalization when it comes to recruitment.
For ⓽⑰, We will move forth to cooperate with companies and organizations which develops or is professional in infrastructure system. So more people can feel happy and convenient through our business.
Foreign market development support
Concept localization Consulting
Will it sell in Indonesia, because it sold in Japan with this concept?
Will it sell in Japan, because it sold in New Zealand with this concept?
We are sorry but in most cases this theory does not work although you leave it to the distributor.
If it is medicine, there is no problem because you can just list the effects.
However, if it is difficult to put out many effects and point of views, further more, we recommend to rebuild a concept based on the needs of the target country. For this purpose, we help you make the brand and its story from core of the main concept by making adjustments fromthe advantages of the products and needs of your target.
【Clothes・daily necessities others】
We will be consulting as above, by looking at the advantages, characteristics, and expression method towards the target.
Finding the advantages
Questionare to the Target (doing 1, 2 1time or more)
Decide on the core concept
Construct a brand based on core concept, and make a story (questionare to the target if necessary)
Advertising promotion & Sales
Improving things by observing progress